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B2C Platforms

Social media has forever changed how consumers look at brands and how we interact with them. The brand’s reputation and visibility has never been more important to achieving lasting business outcomes. It’s no longer what you say; it is – it’s how you say it, when you say it, where you say it and how regularly you say it consistently across different channels. Organization’s today need to take the selling to Facebook, breaking news, SMS, tweets, music playing and cat videos. The trick is to remain in front of your customers and top of mind on the channels and platforms they use often.

Icebreakurz’s B2C platform marketing and sales services harness the power provided by digital marketing levers and bring you relevant, actionable insights about your target audience. We gather actionable and intelligible analytics that allows B2C platforms to successfully target the right audience. Our services go above and beyond target identification – we take your message to the identified targets, stay in continued conversations with them till they become qualified prospects and convert to buyers.

We work with you to either complement your existing sales campaigns and to deliver stand-alone marketing support from our digital hub, to help our clients who are looking to improve their online and offline presence as part of their go-to-market and customer acquisition strategy. Our digital marketing support team will help you to drive sales, monitor ROI, raise your business profile online and offline, target your ideal customers and make you stand out from your competitors.

Our B2B telemarketing and digital marketing specialists will develop customized solutions for you to develop your digital footprint and develop different ways to help you stay ahead of the competition.

Your digital marketing strategy will be based on following seven pillars:

- Digital Strategy

- Marketing Automation

- Email marketing

- Social Media Marketing

- Mobile Marketing

- Content Creation and Management


Unleash your potential.

Learn how Icebreakurz's years of experience shapes the global market towards innovative platforms and advanced services in lead generation.